Saturday, January 4, 2014

My trip to.. The Prairie by Rachel Ashwell

Here are a few photos... sorry quality is not the best, but just had my phone in hand.. and it was super cold there ...literally walking around shivering. The one good thing was we were the only ones there. I always new i wanted to go when it would not be busy, just wanted to visit The Prairie.  Texas was the best!  
My favorite place...this spot.
My bathroom Inspiration 
We stayed in the Meadow could hardly wait to get inside

Sadi Picked this room!! it was hers...

The Store..
My Favorite Chair... I hope to have this one day!!!
Gabriel made himself right at home..My little Shabby Boy..
Also visited the church..
I will Be back soon...................Thank you Rachel Ashwell... For everything, You have Inspired so many of us...And Thank you Texas.... Kindness People i have ever met....


Debby said...

Love these pictures. I could live there for sure.

Vanessa Greenway said...

Fabulous! Fantastic! Just wonderful! I'm speechless! I already have all planned out for my trip this year. Can't wait! Your photos were amazing. Many blessings to you Tausha! Love ~ Vanessa


Just a shabby dream !
xoxo from PARIS (as cold as Texas, to-day !=


Lady of the Woods said...

oh so nice to the the actual place. I don't like the cold either, being acclimated to Florida weather, but I do miss the cooler temps alot! I love what you do with your own home too Tausha, you learned from one of the best! blessings, lady

White Lace and Promises said...

Yes, I could be quite at home here! I can't decide which room is my favorite. I love them all!

Happy New Year. I've found a new friend to visit. Hope you'll follow me too!


Unknown said...

Looooooove all photos of Prairie,thak you for sharing dear!!!

Ann said...

Everything looks so perfect and lovely.

Have a wonderful 2014.

WhiteWhispers2u said...

Thank you for Sharing all your Photos! I so hope to go soon myself.

I love the wood on the wall and would love to do this at our beach cottage.

So happy for you, what a treat that was for you.

Now back to inspire us all.


Suz said...

Thanks for sharing. I am a fan of Rachel Ashwell's Shabby Chic.

Lynne said...

Every photograph is lovely. A perfect blend of Rachel's brilliance, the soft Texas light and the magic in your heart. It is indeed a pleasure watching you live your dream, and watching it's interpretation in your warm Florida home.

Anonymous said...

Heaven on earth! I would love to visit there one day as well. I think I might prefer it being cold over their heat! It gets really HOT there. And that's coming from a California girl where it gets to be 105 here in the summer. I saw Rachel's store in San Francisco over Christmas and the velvet furniture is divine! Beautiful memories for you and your family T. I'm so happy for ya'll!
ps sorry if this is a duplicate. I wasn't signed in the first time around:)

Mom and I, Hooked on Thrifting said...


Love all these pics from your trip to Texas, as well as all your Christmas photos. Also, your new bathroom wall is amazing! May you and your beautiful family have a wonderful new year.

Love, Julie

Tete said...

Love your photos. Awesome images.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Wow, I just heard about the Prairie and it is so fun to see pictures....What a great place to stay. I can just imagine how much fun she had designing it!!!


Victoria said...

Oh Tausha, what a treat! The rooms are so gorgeous! Thank you for sharing with us:)

vintage girl at heart said...

so cosy! happy that you made the trip!

Cindy said...

COOL! What an amazing place... wow. So perfect that you got to go there and have it to yourself. I like Sadies room choice, and that gray sofa is so wonderful.


Heaven's Walk said...

Oh, I can hardly wait to visit there someday, Tausha. I can't even imagine the inspiration that you felt walking through those rooms. :) But I'm glad that you brought those beautiful ideas home with you to share with us. I know that I am eternally grateful that you do! ♥

xoxo laurie

ct shopper said...

Such beautiful photos!!! Must have certainly been an amazing trip! I'd love to see your Instagram pics but I'm having trouble…When I click on the Instagram icon on your blog, it gives me the option to "follow" you but nothing happens. Is there something else I'm supposed to do? I'm new to Instagram :) Thank you for sharing all of your amazing ideas and photos!

Michaela Búranová said...

It had to be an amazing trip, Tausha! Thank you that you shared with your photos, so inspirational for me! Have a beautiful days, xoxo Michaella

Kristin_Texas said...

I am loving the photos! I've driven past The Prairie before, this summer when I lived in Burton, but all we did was just drive past. It's waaaay out there in the boonies, isn't it?

Sorry it was so cold. The weather lately isn't exactly the norm. (Which is why I'm LOVING it so much. It almost makes up for the hot and humid summers).

Have you ever been to Round Top? I went for the first time this summer and can't wait to return in the spring. (Hint: A major number of the booths open 3 weeks before the official opening).


Bunty said...

What beautiful photos Tausha! I stumbled upon your lovely blog for the first time today and feel so inspired! I would LOVE to visit Rachel Ashwell's Prairie, it's a bit of a pipe dream for our little family here in England, but for now I shall happily dream through your photos!
Thank you for all your hard work and effort...

Love Bunty xXx