Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Just some photos!!! hope you enjoy !!

in the two photos above, just how i like it
My bed feels like a Big Present !!
dreaming of ballet 
Gabriel loves the mood board!!
Have a lovely week everyone !!


My Shabby Streamside Studio said...


Having a holiday giveaway starting manana. Shabby pink ballet. You'll love it.



Deborah said...

Love all your pretties Tausha!!
Cozy... and I love that boxy corner unit so much!!
Ahhh your sweetie loves the mood board..too cute!
I love mine too...they are so much fun to make and add to!

Deborah xo

carmen said...

your home is a dream *__*

Bente said...

I just love your photos. Dreamy

Have a nice week you too.

Hugs Bente

Anonymous said...

What is a mood board? I never heard of one before...

Shabby soul said...

I love all the pretties all around, and your way to spread roses everywhere!
Hugs my sweet friend

Victoria said...


SwedishCorner ~ DownUnder...Pernilla said...

I love every single picture of your beautiful home :)

Yum! ...so lovely and dreamy.

Greetings from Australia♥

Rachel Noelle Pallas said...

Love the photo of your shelf with all of the lace and bits and bobs!

A Cozy Cottage in the City said...

It's always such a pleasure stopping by your blog! Love all the inspiration - everything is just gorgeous! :)


Vintage Market Place said...

i don't know how you do it.
It looks so amazing!
I have a little boy and boy would I have a mess on my hands with all whites and that many pillows LOL
You are one lucky gal :)

Elyse said...

beautiful! fluffy and frothy and dreamy. adoring every photo!!!


Heaven's Walk said...

You continue to amaze me with your talent and your ability to replicate the Shabby Chic look so precisely! It's just perfection! Are the big pillows on your sofa 26x26 size? And where did you nab those large ruffly pillow slips? LUV!!!

xoxo laurie

Anonymous said...

hi, people at work think i am obsessed about you, because they see me looking at your pictures everyday...lol...love it..ps:can u please tell me where you got those ballerinas poster on your wall?..thanks much

Vintage Home said...

When I have finished this sale I think I will turn my bedroom into an oasis like your living room! I could holiday there!

laura said...

all I can say is aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. you have the gift of fluffy magic.

Simply Me said...

To Anonymous,, You are too FUNNY!! They are actually sketches, but they are posters really, i just pin them up... Try Poster Revolution.com maybe online... Degas is the Artist , they are cheap.. i have several of them .. Thank you so much for following me !!

Mary said...

Beautiful as always. Don't tell RA, but your blog is my favorite.

cindi s. said...

Oh so much beauty and comfort!!! Your kids and their friends will love to have pajama parties at your house!!! Just looking at the pics it looks like it smells so good!!! Just so gorgeous!!! Tausha you sure know how to decorate shabby chic!!! I love it! Cindi S.

Anonymous said...

Tausha I love your pictures, but I was wondering if you were ever going to blog on everyday life or on the go, things like that, or is this blog just home pictures? Kate

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Those photos speak volumes!!

Simply Me said...

To Kate... Really my blog is about my Home, I'm not a writer...at all , just like to take photos and decorate.... Why? Would you like to hear something about my personal life? Thank you!! Photos speak Volumes!!!

Simply Me said...

To Heaven's walk .... Aww thank you so much!!! which ruffle pillows are you talking about...and yes they are 26"the ones on my sofa.. the ones on the beds are Euro shams..

Anonymous said...

So nice of you to write back, I was wondering only because I always see just pictures, not long entries or things like that. I hope you didn't take my question as rude. Ofcourse it's always nice to know about the blogger and read about other things than just the pretties, but even so I still like your blog. Wish you many blessings.... Kate

Rachel Noelle Pallas said...

I LOVE all of the photos you share Tausha~Some blogs have waaaay too much writing about themselves etc.. I love all of the beauty you share my friend~ Keep doing what you are doing~Stay true to being you and don't worry about what others think~ xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Aww I simply love your home :) I would like to see pictures of your winter wardrobe just like the one for summer!!! Sorry to ask but I would really really love to see it :) lot of love Irais

Simply Me said...

To Kate, This is a personally blog to me, my home is my Heart, where i raise my beautiful babies!! The thing is i love seeing photos,and maybe short sayings, I'm not a very good writer....wish i were!! But thank you so much for following..maybe i will try to WRITE Something!!! Take care!!

Legacy of Love said...

That's what I call "Sweet Shabby". Love all the softness, textures, pretty shades and comfort!

Unknown said...

Ola, tudo bem?
Sua casa é muito linda, e suas fotos maravilhosas, eu amei.
Estou seguindo seu blog, retribui?
Beijos e ótimo final de semana.


chateaudelille said...

Love your pieces of french furniture! Fiona

Donna said...

Your furniture looks better than the ones on Rachel's website. Especially the way you painted paint that blue on the console in the foyer. What paint did you use?Love it. I want one!

hong kong property said...

i love everything about this post! the rooms are really awesome.<3 most especially the chandelier in the living room

Los Mundos de Nika Vintage said...

Que telas tan fabulosas!
Me encantan los colores!
Feliz semana!
Un cordial saludo.

luverlie said...

love the chair and sofa. would love to know where to buy similar. whenever I go shopping, everything is either big n bulky or firm and stiff. Can't seem to find the soft, comfie, deep pieces. That chair is to die for. loving all the eye candy on your blog.

Unknown said...

This combination of flowers , feathers , paint - it constantly amazes me with you , my heart is!!!