
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hi Everyone, Just want to let everyone know my Little Son Gabriel Threw my camera down and BROKE IT!!! So i should have a new camera very soon, I'll keep you posted I do post some on Facebook with my iphone.. so sad!!   See ya Soon !!!


  1. That is so sad! I was all ready to see some fun photos from you! I will have to look you up on FB. i hope you get your new camera soon!


  2. Oh...don't you hate when things like that happen? Everyone will be right here waiting when you get back! xo Diana

  3. Thanks for the warning! We won't freak out when we don't hear from you for a while..I even had people ask me if I heard from you last time! Hope to see you at Fancy Flea~Sue

  4. So sorry! Too bad. Hope you're up and running soon!

  5. Soon,I am looking at cameras now...

  6. So glad you took some photos with your camera today on FB!They look so pretty Tausha~ xo

  7. oops not camera..I meant to say phone!! lol ;)

  8. ohhhhhhhhh nooooooo! oh well, it's just a thing... what are ya gonna do, kids just break stuff...


  9. Sorry.I realize that to every blogger a broken camera is a hard thing. I cant wait to see you in my feed soon.

  10. So sorry. I take a look at Facebook.


  11. how can i find you in facebook?...

  12. Lil stinker huh?! Gosh, you know I "want" a new camera, hummmm...maybe if my lil guy chucks my old one....:)

  13. Been there! Only it's always ME that drops the camera. I'm on my 4th one and it's no ones fault but my own! This is why I only buy the point and shoot and nothing elaborate! Marcia

  14. Bummer! I couldn't find my camera while moving and I finally found it yesterday! Yay! I love ALL of your designs. Gorgeous! How do you keep your whites so white with your children? Do tell your secrets. ;)

  15. Hi Tausha,

    So happy that you have a new camera! We cannnot miss your pictures :-) The pictures from Mark from your house are sooo beautiful. every corner is full of inspiration and soo cozy!!

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.
    xoxo Rozmeen
