
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Here are the photos that Mark took, when Fifi came to my home for a photo shoot!!

Thanks Fifi !!!my computer has a virus so i have not been able to post any photos, so here are some i posted from my husbands computer... hope you enjoy !!


  1. Stunningly beautiful~ I love the ones with your furry babies!! xoxo Rachel

  2. Thank you !! computer still broke ...omg

  3. The photos are fabulous...your home and style are really lovely. Your home has a lovely quality of light...very pretty.

  4. New to blogging, I wanted you to be the first person I commented on...I adore your style!

  5. i am in love with your home!!
    by the way ,could i ask where is your beautiful blue bed linen from?

  6. Simply Shabby Chic Target, i made the pillows and blanket out of it, the blue duvet !! and the white, is the oatmeal one, bleached out .

  7. still broken?! oh no... I was hoping to see the photos of the vase..I love what you did with it~ Hope your computer is fixed soon Tausha~ xoxo

  8. oh and I did a little bragging about you on my blog today too!! lol xo

  9. Could it possibly get ANY MORE beautiful than that? It is gorgeous...I am so proud to say that I follow you! I hope you can get either the old 'puter fixed, or a new one, soon! xo Diana

  10. You did !!! i will check out ... i just love my vase, my daughter destinee wants it !!

  11. i tried to post a comment on your blog, and i could not..uhmm

  12. Beautifully done! Thank you for showing us the photos. You must be so excited!


  13. that was to Rachel, I got my boots today !!!! yeah i cannot post on your blog

  14. Oh, it's gorgeous!! That puppy stole the show!


  15. To Simply Me. You are simply great and you inspire me to keep on doing what i do. Rachel Ashwell.

  16. Everything is just soooo beautiful :)

  17. These photos are just beautiful Tausha!! I hope you can get your computer fixed ~ I know it is NOT fun not having a working computer! Our previous one got infected with several viruses about 3 years ago, and so we purchased a new far so good! I highly recommend the Norton 360, as it works wonders at preventing viruses and spyware, and such from attacking your computer.

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  18. You truly are so inspiring!!!!! Your home is just so so so so so so beautiful!!!! I mean it is eye candy of the very shabbiest chics soul!!!!! I think you even received a comment from Rachel Ashwell!!! WOW!!!!!!! This is just so much FUN to look at and SO INSPIRING!!!!!! tAUSHA YOU SURE KNOW HOW TO MAKE A HOME!!!! I hope your computer gets fixed real soon!!!!

  19. You truly are so inspiring!!!!! Your home is just so so so so so so beautiful!!!! I mean it is eye candy of the very shabbiest chics soul!!!!! I think you even received a comment from Rachel Ashwell!!! WOW!!!!!!! This is just so much FUN to look at and SO INSPIRING!!!!!! tAUSHA YOU SURE KNOW HOW TO MAKE A HOME!!!! I hope your computer gets fixed real soon!!!!

  20. Just about the most gorgeous and romantic photos ever!!! Dreamy to say the least!!! :) Everything looks perfect!


  21. OOPS!!! I don't know how that posted twice....... But I forgot to tell you how cute your puppy is!!! Cindi S.

  22. can everyone believe Rachel Ashwell left me message on my blog tonite ! i could hardly believe it.... thanks to Rachel Pallas

  23. Mark was able to catch your home at it's prettiest!


  24. Beautiful as always!!
    Rachel has inspired me so... and she has opened the doorway to so many of us who long to express the femininity that is within our souls.
    Your home is just lovely..thank you so much for sharing with us xo

    Deborah xoxo

  25. Just beautiful! You should be very proud.

  26. Yay you got your boots! You will have to email me a pic with em on! I wonder why it wont let you comment on my post..? ;) AND ...Wow I am sooo happy that Rachel Ashwell read my message to her and visited your blog Tausha!!!! Yay! :) xoxoxoxoxoxo

  27. What a spectacular post! I love the napkins with the little crown jewels :) Everything is absolutely beautiful as always!

  28. I just love your photos and was so disappointed when you hadn't left any in awhile...I have to get my "fix" every so often, because your home is so beautiful! I even bought some of those glasses you have your roses in - I found mine at Anthropolgie...I just love them! That is so cool Rachel Ashwell left a message - I'm sure you'll be in her next book!

  29. Oh my gosh, Tausha! First of all...beautiful post! Ammaaazing photos! What a fun day you must'ave had with them! Second - RA commenting on your blog???? Holy moly, girl! You're famous!!!! lol!

    xoxo laurie

  30. Beautiful!! Love your fur baby :)
    What a gorgeous and welcoming home you have..
    Will these photos be in Fifi's new book or a magazine?
    And hooray for the message R.A. left for you, how exciting!

    A lovely day to you,
    - Irina

  31. Congrats for this wonderful photo shoot Tausha!!! Your great taste in decor deserves it for sure!!! I´m so glad for you.
    hugs dear

  32. The pictures of your home are beautiful!!!!
    Congrats on the shoot in your home!!

    Suzann ~xoxo~

  33. Just had to come check in... I sent a message to your iPhone sweets.
    xoxo from here!!! and then some!

  34. BTW... you know I love your home, Mark's photos are beautiful! Just got carried away in the moment and forgot to mention that, dear heart!
    Know you understand... will check in w/you tomorrow if I don't hear back tonight. Well, you've got my email message by now. xoxo

  35. This series of 'images without words ... leave a feeling of peace and serenity :-)
    Glad I found ... even though so far away!
    A hug

  36. Amazingly beautiful and inspiring images. Nice style you have and what a cute little dog.

    Regards from Sweden

  37. This is so fantastic. I use to go to your blog just to look and dream. Love your style. And you had a message from Rachel Ashwell? My god, you must be proud.

    Have a nice day.

    Hugs from Bente

  38. These pictures are amazing !!! are you !! love from

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Hello! :-)
    oh my goodness! How awesome ist that? So nice!
    I find your blog very beautiful and it can hardly ever expect to read a new post from you. Your house is beautiful and your ideas just great!
    I love your Blog!
    My own blog is still in its infancy, but certainly he will, over time, also very nice.
    All best wishes for you! Bye! TinkerLizzy :-)
    (Excuse my grammar, I'm German);-)

  41. Your home is one of the most beautiful I know, you have a wonderful taste and your entire house is like a fairy tale! I am an Italian woman who lives in Holland, and I would like to make a cross on you. Let me know if you like and if I use your photos in my blog for the interview. A dear greeting Barbara.

  42. your home is delicious <3

  43. Your so cute little dog is going to be a superstar on facebook (just seen it on ~Romantic ~Vintage Home~ through Joe Ann Coletti !
    Thank you for these pictures (I'm addicted to your blog)
    Joelle from FRANCE

  44. I actually gasped...may have even let out a glee filled squeak looking at your pictures! Your home is simply lovely! So glad I found your blog!

  45. Stunningly beautiful, as usual! I am so happy your talents are being have such an eye for color and detail. Congratulations and all my best to you.

  46. Tausha, what gorgeous photos Mark and Fifi took, they captured the romantic feel of your home, and really pulled it all together!
    I don't think I've seen your dining room set in this way before, it's beyond amazing! Hope Fifi includes you in her next book! Stunning! And congrats on all counts, and I'm not surprised about Rachel's comment, your blog and your style is amazing!

  47. Bellisima Tausha~
    I so oooed and awwed over every single picture like crazy! Those pictures are absolutely breathtaking. How exciting to have Fifi come to your shabby casa, your so lucky! Anyway, I hope your computer is back and running real quick, I have missed all the inspiring pics. Also, that is so amazing and a thrill to have Rachel comment on your blog! I'll be spending the day in NYC this Sat with my daughter who lives and goes to school in Manhattan & plan on doing some shopping at her store, can't wait!

  48. I'm so happy Rachel saw your blog, YAY!!!

  49. Droooooool, as always when I visit your blog! Everything looks absolutely breathtaking and how awesome that RA left you a message:) A blogger just met her and got a signed book from her but I can't remember who it was???

  50. I just remembered, it was Sandy from the My Shabby Streamside Studio blog!

  51. These pictures are absolutely stunning. Just so romantic and perfect in every way.

  52. I heard the news in blogland(Rachel Pallas)! You are worthy friend!
    I bet you are still smiling....
    Rachel Ashwel left you a very sweet commnet!

  53. OMG...Rachel sent Rachel to your blog. First of all, what an awesome friend. Secondly, every word that Rachel A said was so true. Congratulations my dear! Awesome pictures, awesome job!


  54. oh! lucky you. how enchanting are your spaces- soft, serene, perfect!



  55. what beautiful photos! I love the blue throw on your bed. And congrats on the special post. That is pretty cool.


  56. Youi have a very nice interior... so shabby!!!

  57. Congratulations!!
    Your blog is just beautiful and I enjoy stopping by to be inspired!
    Thank you!

  58. Simply beautiful! Love how even your dog coordinates!

  59. Hi Tausha! Simply gorgeous and amazing... it's truly breathtaking! I am so excited for you : )
    I hope you have the best weekend!
    hugs, Cheryl

  60. I love, love, love your house and the dreamy decor!! Simply beautiful!! - xoxo

  61. Thank you to all your comments ...i appreciate it .

  62. Beautiful photoshoot...!
    Love every picture and colors.
    And Rachel left you a message :-)
    no wonder, your house looks just perfect!

    Hugs Michelle

  63. Fifi is adorable! I want to live in your home!! So chic and wonderful!

  64. Simply stunning! I love everything!

    Flora Doora

  65. So beautiful, so shabby chic. I too, love the shabby chic style. So happy to have found your blog. Wonderful photos. Thanks for inspiring me.

  66. I hope you will get a new camera soon (because of my addiction to your blog) !
    Bisous Tausha
    Joëlle from PARIS

  67. did you get a new camera yet?? Wow what a week..first your computer and now your camera! :( Miss your beautiful posts already Tausha!! xoxo Rachel

  68. Wow just gorgeous!! I love love love the fireplace mantel. I think I need one!

  69. beautiful.
    Love the bedroom with the ruffled throw... breathtaking. Thanks for sharing the photos!
    {the white chair}

  70. Hey Tausha,
    Where'd you get that second crown with the very pale tinge of blue-green? I've seen them on RA site but looked like they were clear color only.

  71. They had so many opportunities for the perfect Photo Ops in your Beautiful Home... will these be coming out in a new Book I hope? If so let me know... I'd HAVE to get it!

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  72. Even drying at you looks beautiful ! I love the details you complete your home for your blog just never have the words other than love !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Michaela :-)
