small dinner table setting, with touches of Lavendar and pink roses

Everyone gets a DreamCatcher now, i made this one for Sadi

i had the chance to take a few photos with just the bed, no frame or headboard, the kids love it this way, i must say i do too.... having new floors put in. needless to say its been crazy here

bye for now!!!
Semplicemente una soffice dolce nuvola bianco-rosa!Rosetta
Hello Tausha,
HURRAY new beautiful post.
I couldn´t wait ! Your new dream catcher is very shabby and amazing. I must have it too. Your roses has beautiful color, I have never seen this shade of lilac.I would like to buy similar water glasses(purple and blue)as you have.I like your first and seventh picture!
Have a nice Shabby days full of sun!
Bye Vlaďka
So beautiful !! from
It's always a treat to see a post from you! I love the roses and the dream catcher is gorgeous. Your daughters bed looks so comfy!
Your daughters room looks so pretty! I have the same purple roses growing in my garden and I love that color.
Love these images. Beautiful table! Your daughter's room is charming.
Utterly gorgeous pictures, love the delicate touches of pink, beautiful!
pretty, pretty, pretty!
Exquisite & lovely! Love all the pink!!! ;)
G~O~R~G~E~O~U~S!!! xo Rachel
And the sterling's always smell the sweetest I think. Beautiful photo's as always Tausha!
Geesh oh pete....when can I come for dinner and some vino!?!?! On second thought...better forget that....i'd spill my red wine all over your beautiful white table!!!!! Everything is just so lovely:)
Pretty,calm,inviting and relaxing...yes your home is lovely!!!! x0
Love your inspiring photos, as usual! So pretty! Thanks for sharing, I know how busy the summer can be! Can't wait to see your new floors.
So beautiful, Tausha! The lavender rose is so gorgeous. It was my mom's favorite rose and I have three rose bushes that were given to me in memory of my mom when she passed away. I love when they are in bloom. Your daughter's room is lovely in the pink.
Beautiful and lovely roses everywhere.
Regards from Sweden
So very pretty! And I love the dream catcher. I am one of your newest followers...and I have had a lovely time going through all your post! In one of them you mentioned buying flowers from a store in Lake the bucket and at a great price. Would you PLEASE share with me the name...I live in Palm Beach Gardens and could really use a great place to buy flowers! Thanks Amy
I'm sooo happy to see a post from you tonight.I some times feel like a kid waiting for santa to come...Lol. I check every day and some times more than once to see if you have posted any thing. Love love every thing you put up!!!! Hope to see your post more often soon.Have a good night. :)
Such a Peaceful, restful, beautiful place to retire to at the end of each day... I'd have trouble rolling out of bed each Morning though, wanting to languish a while longer! *winks*
Dawn... The Bohemian
Everything looks great, Tausha! Can't wait to see your new floors! Fifi has come and news yet. Hope your summer is/was grand!
Gorgeous pics....well worth the wait!
Tausha I must ask you where do you put all your daughter's toys? I think she is around the same age as mine and I have her toys every were!! Got ant ideas for me? Also I asked you last time how you did your bleaching on that slip cover. Would love to know thank's. :)
Hi Brenna, I put all her toys in baskets on a book shelf along with her tv, i will post a pic soon, i also have upstairs which i put a lot of the kids toys there in bins.. As far as the slip covers go i rinse them first , made sure they were completely wet, then filled the washer with bleach a lot , then put the slip covers in, they were a dark, dark green, i was nervous at first, but i kept my eye on them... need less to say a few hours they were lighter , then light, then turned white, i washed them then used snow cap, to make the bright white, took a little of the yellowish color out .. then they were perfect... Put in the rit dye, you can use wine color.. for a light pink or whatever color you like best... fill washer up with water, then add dye, mix around, then drop the wet slipcovers in ..... with salt, you can make whatever color you like. I was going to get new slip covers,but i wanted to try this first...needless to say they came out perfect....maybe in the future, i will get new ones, would love linen Good luck let me know if there is anything else
have you visited the new Rachel Ashwell couture site , now you can buy her stuff online.Just go to Rachel's blog.
BREATHTAKING.... is the only way I can describe your blog. I just found you and I could not believe the softness of your work! Your banner of roses are wonderful!
As I added your blogsite to my favorites I added the word, softttttttt.....
Blessings,Becky R
Just an extra note... I have noticed every picture you post, has a rose in it. Have you ever seen Christie Repasy's art? She lives in California and I recently had the chance of a lifetime to take one of her classes. Almost every canvas she paints includes a rose of some kind and she is THE BEST at painting roses. Thought you might enjoy seeing them?
Oh, Thanks so much for the tips but one quick thing what is snow cap? Never heard of that stuff.
What an absolutely DREAMY post, Tausha. Seriously. Your house is soooo beautifully restful and calming. I loved hearing about how you bleached that slipcover. I've never heard of Snow Cap either. What is it? Thanks for continuing to share your beautiful life with us. :)
xoxo laurie
Snow cap, it gets yellowish tones out of fabrics, i have well water out here in the country, i have a filter but still yellow, and it works by getting the yellow out of whites, just makes it brighter !!! i get it out of Ace Hardware.
Yes i have visited the New Rachel website, i have bought online before, love it...but a lot of the things i want to buy are not in stock right now, bummer!!!
Thank you so much Becky for that i will check it out !!
Hi Tausha! I wanted to leave you a message since you have a little girl, that I came across this amazing website and the owner is completely shabby chic. She makes custom shabby dolls and bears for collectors and little girls. I had her make me 2 dolls for my grandgirls and they are wonderful. Take a look! You can contact the owner directly and she is so nice.
Thank you so much !! i will take a look
Your blog is wonderful as always! I just love your dining room chairs! Are they vintage or part of a furniture line? I've seen this style before and it is so beautiful!
Hi...where did u get the curtains in your daughters room? Or if u made them, what did u use??? Love how full they are!
I just have to tell you how beautiful I think your home is a work of art and every time I look at your site my breath is taken away.
The beautiful roses, the sparse but comfortable furnishings, the exuberant use of ruffles and the purity of white makes the rooms soft, comfortable and livable in the most lovely and graceful sense.
I consider you an inspiring artist, your palette being your life space!
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