
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Brighter and bolder .........lovin the colors...

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Destinee, LOVES brighter colors... She gets Pink for her room....
Meet................Blue  Momma floor is dirty  she stole a piece of brownie..
Pure Love.....
Wish i had these again....
Have a great Day!!!!


  1. Love the bright colors, and your flowers are gorgeous!

    The dogs and bunny are too cute! So is Sadie. The kids must love the new doggies. Is the bunny new, also?

    Please be careful not to let any of the animals eat any chocolate, as it can be very dangerous to animals even in small amounts! Not sure if you knew that, I don't want to sound bossy! LOL!

    Thanks for posting again, and hope you have a wonderful birthday tomorrow!


    ...Ann. :)

  2. What a lovely your flowers...and owwwww those puppys are so so so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttt!!

  3. Um when can you come to my house and decorate? Just kiddin.. You inspire me.. Your daugther is adorable.. Enjoy your day!

  4. Miss Tausha, You have simply outdone yourself now.I have to have one of those bright colored Dream Catchers fabulous! Is that the fabric you dyed? I love that blue with pink roses and the aqua very nice.
    You are a very busy lady!The lil bunny is so cute, we always wanted one too.
    I hope you have special plans for your B-Day.~Cheers Kim

  5. Thank you so much Ann, i know its dangerous..when you have kids they kinda sneak they food from them all the Thank you so much for caring...

  6. You're welcome, Tausha! I thought you knew but just making sure, I didn't want your bun bun or pups to get sick! I'm glad you know, and love animals so much!

    I spelled Sadi's name wrong in my previous post, too, just noticed. Sorry!



  7. Hi Tausha! Do you sell those beautiful dream catchers? Is it possible to order them from you? I absolutely LOVE them! Thank you!

  8. So pretty! I love your shabby white table piled with such yummy goodies. As always, loving your inspirational photos!


  9. LOVE LOVE LOVE it all! ;) Your birthday package should arrive today!! xo

  10. Would love to have a dreamcatcher like those. I have never seen any in those designs and colors ever before.They are stunning. Do you have a shop? Thanks!

  11. Fantastic!!! I absolutely love all your dream catchers! Fabulous taste in fabric. Love it!

  12. Hi, i love all the bright colors, your wonderful flowers, your bunny and your home!!

  13. Hi Tausha, I love your new colors and I adore the puppies. Have a good day...Connie

  14. Like the new colors. Cute puppies & bunny.

  15. Your new bright colors are looking really pretty. Your pups look like they are feeling right at home. My daughter (grown) has a bunny who roams her house freely. Such a fun pet and great for pictures:) Have a good weekend!

  16. Awwwwww.... the puppies look so cute in their little pink collars... they're so sweet. Everything looks joyously beautiful over there!


  17. Tausha~
    I'm LOVIN' the brighter and bolder colors, great vision girl! The puppies and bunnies fest is ~ AdOrABlE! Also, I just posted a photo album of my GORGEOUS dreamcatcher's you made for ME! I am IN LOVE with my new one and I feel even more special with the added green heart! Words cannot describe how happy I am, I feel like it's my Birthday! LOL!
    Thanks a million, you are the BEST!
    Hugs~ Steph

  18. I can see the bohemian-Tausha in those dream catchers and fabric! lol! It's like a table full of HAPPY! :)

    I'll bet that your munchins are just loving the new babies in the house! Your house is just full of sweet happiness, Tausha! ♥

    Oh....and btw.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, GIRLIE!!!! Sending you a big hug for your birthday tomorrow! :)

    xoxo laurie

  19. What a happy surprise to see bright colors here- They look gorgeous. I love your sweet little daughter and that rabbit is sooooc cute.

    Just a quick little "do you know"...not to let your bunny eat chocolate...they can't process it properly..just didn't know if you knew that, or not.

    Blessings to you- so wonderful to see you posting your beautiful take on life again- xo Diana

  20. Hi Tausha! Love the colors! The bunny, puppies and your little one are so adorable! Gotta tell you, turn your horse shoes around - you're letting all the luck run out! That's what my mom always said, that the shoes have to be hung with the ends pointing upward, so that the luck doesn't run out. She knew a lot of superstitions and they've stuck with me! LOL! Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs, Leena

  21. Dear Tausha, Wishing you a very Happy Birthday and hoping you enjoy your special day!
    Love those puppies and their names! Your husband choose the sweetest gift...also loving your bunny! Looks like your home is lovely!!
    Take care!

  22. Thank you so much everyone..... I try not to let them eat anything bad, i know its bad...... thanks so much everyone, off to enjoy my bday!!!! See ya soon!!

  23. Happy birthday Tausha!
    Oh, how I love that table with all the luscious fabrics and colors - just dreamy!
    Your children and pets are absolutely adorable. :)

  24. Love the colors in these pictures and those puppies are too adorable. :)

  25. Tausha... the photos... those colors... just made me smile... makes me happy and looks like fun! I have been playing with dye this summer... started off with a tye dye project with my niece and nephew... then I got hooked...LOL! Your dream catchers are beautiful!


  26. Those 2 new babies are you still have your other darling little dog?

  27. Tausha have a fantastic birthday today. Love the new color direction you are taking with your dreamcatchers. It's always a pleasure to visit your blog and see what you are creating/decorating next.

  28. Happy Birthday Sweet Friend! Enjoy you day~ Kim xox

  29. Happy birthday Tausha!

    We All love you and hope you have a wonderful day!


    Ann. :)

  30. loving the joyfulness of the colors here!

    when you have a moment to swing by, i'd love to have you:

    smiles and wishes for a happy weekend.


  31. following now and hope you'll follow back, gorgeous blogger.


  32. happy bday...wish you health, love and many many beautiful pink roses on your specail day.lili

  33. So glad I found your adorable blog. Love all the shabby white, and the colors, and the pets!!! Hope you don't mind if I tag yours onto my "Favorites" on HomeForGood.Net!

  34. I have forgot to tell you how adorable your dogs are!! and I too love the colors you are adding...
    Anne Marie
