
Thursday, April 14, 2011

a simple view into my bedroom ...I want to try and give everyone the views i love to see in my home. This is very simple to me, but love this view

the lace on the table is a RA Simply Shabby Chic  Shower Curtain. And as always, my never made bed, i think i only make my bed when i have guest  coming
this is Sadi and my niece Kyanna.. playing in room room as always
in this picture, the curtains are just push pin in the wall. i had a rod, but did not like it. Idea from RA  Push pins,and it really is one of my favorites, in my bathroom,just a lace little curtain push pinned
have a great day everyone


  1. Ok, it's final, i'm pretty much gonna copy everything you do... i have these lace curtains, and was waiting to do all the whole rod thing, and now i'm just gonna push pin them in the wall!


  2. Gorgeous! I totally see why it's one of your favorite views. And you only make your bed when company's coming? I just close the door. LOL Yeah. My bed never gets made, but it isn't nearly as pretty as yours. I kinda like the push pin idea, too. Might give that a try soon.

  3. One word...."BEAUTIFUL!"

    Pamela xo

  4. I just confessed on my blog that I totally stalk your blog all day!!! Everything you do is amazing! And it looks so effortless. It's funny cuz I was looking at your post from the other day of some lace hanging in windows that you saw on someone else's blog. Since I have big, ugly plastic blinds in my apt. that I can't take down a lightbulb came on and I thought I could get some velcro tape and stick it to the top plastic part and hang lace panels from it! I'm hoping it works cuz my plastic blinds are sooo ugly:(

  5. Hi Tausha,
    I am completely mezmerized by the picture of your incredibly gorgeous dresser & miror that is reflecting back your stacks of shabby linens!! Breathtaking! Love your pretty style!
    :) Lara

  6. Everytime I look at one of your beautiful posts, I just want to redo my entire home. I have always love shabby chic and you have given me many ideas on how to step it up a notch or two.

    Your bedroom is lovely. And, I never make my bed either....don't want to disturb the kitties.



  7. I admit...I stalk your blog too! Only because I am thoroughly in love with everything about your home. You make it look so effortless - everything is so casually laid about but has such an amazing look to it. I'm thrilled when you post! :)
    This view is beautiful...I can see why it's one of your favorites!
    Sarah xo

  8. The third photo is absolutely gorgeous!
    I had to write you an email last days, but sadly a bad event happened.
    I'll write you as soon as possible.
    Thank you darling

  9. So lovely Tausha! I just saw that shower curtain in the store last night! It's weird because what they have in the stores and online is different. I wish they were more consistent! It makes it hard to find things you see on blogs. Target, are you listening?? ;-) I just did my post featuring your help with the bedding, be sure to check it out. I'm excited to get some good feedback and SOOOO thankful for your help!!
    I love them both and found something similar and great on Pottery Barn but of course it's out of my price range.
    Have a fabulous day!

  10. You have such a beautiful view...
    I love coming here for the inspiration you provide all of us! Thank you! xoxo

  11. Simply gorgeous!!! I love it all~ Hugs, Rachel :)

    French Farmhouse 425

  12. What a beautiful view! I bet the little girls love all the shabby elegance. I wanted to tell you that I recwently found a picture of my mother wearing a prom dress much like the one you have on your sidebar the same exact color and her prom was 1959. I found one same color on ebay to put on a mannequin in my sewing room but it does not have the ruffles on top like yours does and moms was ruffled. I love your collection of prom dresses!

  13. That's one view I wouldn't mind seeing everyday! judy

  14. Looooooovely !!!....wowwwwwww.......amazing !!! love

  15. So pretty. Love the little punch of color the flowers give your lovely room.

    Little girls on a big, poofy bed, just perfect.

    Push pins are a wonderful thing. Whatever works and is beautiful.
    Great day to you too, Tausha!

  16. Those are wonderful views. Thanks for being a great source of inspiration. Have a great day! Vanessa

  17. is that a seperate room? like an office?

    stunning styling

    and thank you, from my heart, on your well wishes for me and are so sweet
    Anne Marie

  18. Your house is so pale and soothing and pretty! My house looks nothing like yours, but my goldy brown velvet drapes are held up by push pins!

  19. totally amazing....I agree with everyone else. You make is look so effortless & it is just stunning.

    How do you like your painted wood floors btw? They also look beautiful! I've heard so many people say they are too hard to keep up dirt.. etc.. I see them in your bedroom & was wondering how you like them?


  20. Hi Tausha ~ your home is utterly divine! Such lovely photographs! *sigh* You are not the only one who doesn't make their bed. I make my bed about 8 times per month...only on weekends. My husband is rolling out when I am rolling there is no point! We are two ships passing in the night! LOL! ~Stacy~ xo

  21. OK, i will admit , im abit anal about making the bed. Most of the time anyway, lol. Ive enjoyed the view in this post. And i have to say on a serious note, that uve really got me to re-thinking some of my design choices.....I tend not to practice much restraint and bring too many things into the room. Ur style makes me swoon, so much.......thanks for all of the inspiration...............a fellow fl girl, Bonnie

  22. You sure are one talented lady!
    I am in awe of it all!



  23. okay, I am going to have to stop coming over here, you are getting me into trouble at Target!! LOL
    I am heading there now to look at more bedding.
    Ugh I want a bed like this to fall into so bad this summer.
    Thanks for the great inspiration!

  24. Pure romance, and brimming with inspiration!



  25. Your home and your pictures are so gorgeous! I love all your linens and how everything is so cozy and pretty.

    Hugs ♥ Tricia

  26. Beautiful view of your bedroom...your dresser and mirror take my breath away! I luv the touch of blue! Thank you for all your inspiration...

  27. Fabulous views.I love your blog and was wondering how easy isthe upkeep of your painted floors?I am tempted to paint my floors but am worried it will be a disaster.
    Much love from the uk Anne x

  28. My god, it's so light and tender, a delicious treat for the eyes.

  29. i have 2 of them :) i also ship they are $72 each and antique marble. just an fyi haha

  30. Hi Tausha, I'm sure you already are aware, but Fifi has written the most complimentary post on her blog about you! Well deserved I have to add...Marcia

  31. beautiful blog!! So many inspiring photographs! Love it all! May I ask....where did you get your boots that you are wearing in your profile picture? I have looked EVERYWHERE for a pair like this and can't find anything!

  32. Okay, can I just come and live with you pleaseeeeeeeee?? Then I can see all this *beautifulness* every day!! JK , but truly gorgeous!! :)

  33. So beautiful....I'm inspired everytime I visit!

  34. I am into Shabby Chic Rachel Ashwill style, too. I love love
    your look. Great photos. Love roses, too.

  35. Beautiful blog and pictures! I am becoming your follower today!

  36. Tausha this is simply gorgeous, no wonder your daughter and niece love to play there.
    The flowers you chose are the perfect compliment to this divine room.
    I think I'm hooked on your blog, so happy Maria of Dreamy Whites mentioned stopping by.
    Also the push pin to me works perfectly, as it gives a casual shabby vintage feel. Have a wonderful Sunday, xxx tami

  37. Everything is always so lovely over amaze me with your lovely home and that it is always so filled with beautiful flowers. Happy week to you. xo

  38. Love the view! Do you get your RA from Target or from RA? Someone told me the RA at Target doesn't hold up when you wash it a lot.

  39. OMG!!! your room is a dream! love,love,love everything you do girl!

  40. Beyond gorgeous!!! Your blog and your style are truly amazing!!!


    :) T

  41. Omigosh...I love your home, I love your style! Dreamy perfection in every possible way. What a joy for you to wake up in a room that looks like that, I'm sure! I'm now your very newest follower. Come stop by my blog when you have a moment. I'm hosting my first giveaway beginning April 20th!
    Blessings and Hugs,

  42. I love all the white walls and furniture with the pretty pink accents scattered throughout - it is absolutely gorgeous, and so refreshingly simple!

  43. Just came across your blog from French Farmhouse, and I love, love, love your flirty & feminine style!!! I'm now a new follower! ;)

