
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A relaxing day in the sun ......

here are the lounge chairs that were made into a bed ..

a good friend of mine Tracie  recommended this book to me, love love it  !!!!
Simple Beauty..these two photos were taking on Easter Day..


  1. Your photos are absolutely gorgeous and inspiring! I hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter!


  2. oh you are making me want to go lounge by the pool!!
    The wind would blow me away today if I went to lay out though, lol
    Enjoy your sunshine!

  3. So dreamy and beautiful~ I will have to get that book now!;) Hugs,Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425

  4. Beautiful, as always! Your photos are so inspiring...

  5. I really like the bleached out lounge chairs. They look perfect with your things!

  6. I would love to lounge by the pool in one of those pretty chairs! Your flowers are so pretty! I'm glad you had a lovely Easter!


  7. You make your home look so inviting and comfortable. The benches are great but it looks even more beautiful as the bed. Is your pool warm? We have to wait until the end of May to open the pool, oh I would so be spending all my day by your pool. I have a question for you, do you garden too? If so, please share pictures. Have a wonderful week.

  8. Look at that !!!..relaxtttt!!

  9. Simply Beautiful, I love Atlanta Bartlett too! I wanted to add how much I love your choice of linens, especially the pillow shams, and that they have a casual look with the ruffles.

  10. Your Easter Day seems a dream... I see the book of Pale & Interesting... I love Atlanta Bartlett and Dave Coote very much... I dedicated some posts to them many times!...

  11. beautiful! i could lie there all day and indulge in that book...that's my idea of a perfect afternoon!!
    i have always wanted to get an army cot like rachel shows in her books, where it's outside piled with pillows and duvets, or on the beach. love how you captured the same look with your lounge chairs! also, i hope you get to stay at rachel's prairie ranch someday...i bet that would be a dream come true for you!!

  12. It looks dreamy! I love that Atlanta Bartlett book! It does sound like a perfect day lounging by the pool reading decor magazines surrounded by roses!
    Have a happy week!

  13. Mix me up a margarita and I could lounge there for hours!!! In fact, I wouldn't even need the margarita! Your photo's are soooo gorgeous, you're so talented!

  14. I have never seen two hard-wood beds look so comfortable and inviting. Those linen pillow-cases with scruptuous frills are breath-taking. I just love looking at your blog.

  15. So beautiful!!! That pool looks amazing right now, it warm here today and that would be so refreshing!! You do such an fabulous job setting a beautiful photo!!
    Have a lovely day!

  16. Gorgeous photos!! It's raining here nice to see pictures of warmth!
    That book looks fantastic!

  17. Breathtakingly romantic! Where do you get all of those fresh flowers? You mentioned having a lot of land-do you grow them?


  18. its so very pretty here...Id love to be sitting here :)
    Ive seen that book online and wondered about it too...good to hear that you are enjoying it!

    Deborah xo

  19. It looks beautiful and so relaxing, very inviting too!

    There's that purse, suits the book and Pellegrino water wonderfully, Tausha (I'm having a glass now). Thank you for mentioning me and my blog, so sweet of you!

    Have a happy night (trying to decide where to put a bistro table outdoors here... too many decisions, but you know!).

  20. Can you tell me where you get all your ruffled pillow cases from, I am having a devil of a time finding them, anywhere!!! Thanks!!! And as always, your posts and pics are BEAUTIFUL!!!

  21. So dreamy! I love how you carry all the beautifulness outside to enjoy.
    I have to tell you, I copied you...I changed all the pillows on my window bench to fluffy ones! I enjoy it so much more now...thanks for being such a lovely inspiration!
    Sarah xo

  22. Your pictures and your style ARE SO BEAUTIFUL IT ACTUALLY HURTS TO LOOK AT THE PICTURES!!! I will just have to suffer! :)

  23. Target...Simply shabby chic, they are called linen duvet, they have in blue and oatmeal, i bleached the oatmeal ones. You may have to go online ...Linen blue duvet and linen oatmeal, they are my favorite pillow cases.

  24. Thank you!!! I have been to Target and am not having any luck finding JUST pillow shams/ you bleach the oatmeal as you mentioned above? I don't want the bleach to eat mine away! LOL! :)

  25. I just got the same book and love it. Beautiful again!

  26. Well i shall see in time how it holds up, it did not seem to hurt it at all . No i have not found just shams, only the duvet....i wish

  27. Thank you so much for your time on your beautiful blog! look forward to it so much! It is so so so gorgeous! I have to go and get that book! Can't wait! Cindi S.

  28. You home is beautiful and you do a magnificent job decorating it and photographing it. I love Rachel Ashwell and her Shabby Chic-Target or not. I have it in three rooms of my home. You inspire me to do more. I love the chandelier in your bedroom.

  29. I think a visit to your home would be Shabby Chic Heaven. It is all so very breathtaking and I love looking at your pictures!


  30. Gorgeous as always! You have such a knack with design and it's so romantic and lovely. I always enjoy stopping by your blog, Tausha.

  31. Will have to check out that book, I love Amanda Bartlett!
    Your poolside looks divine! ;-) Those chairs look great both ways.
    Have a happy rest of the week!

  32. Hi,

    How are you?
    Love your pool pictures.. so romantic and inspiring!!
    I have order this book last week and will receive it in two weeks time.. cant wait for it :-)


  33. Your pale soft pillows look like marshmellows and just as soft. What a perfect place to sit in the sun with all the right ingredients. x

  34. I love the way the roses are piled up in your pictures - abundant, lush and elegant.
    One feels relaxed and pleasantly light-minded just looking at these photos.
    Also, the bag caught my eye - such a fine piece. Is it crocheted?

  35. So nice and so elegant!
    Very good

  36. SO PRETTY!!!!!!!!!!!! I am dying to read that book~ I think I shall head on over to Amazon ~ Right now!
    Have a pretty day!

  37. Okay, gotta ask because the flowers are just too beautiful...are they real? If they are, you must have the most amazing rose beds.
    Your pictures are just dreamy.

  38. I wish, too!!! LOL!!!

  39. YES YES YES all my pictures are of real flowers... I had a garden, up until we put our pool in, it was not big but i had Rose tress. roses are the easiest for me to take care of. So now i have to start all over... I buy my flowers, from Grocery Stores, Super targets,and South Florida where i visit a lot, i get buckets filled for It was once my dream to open a flower shop but to sell only in buckets....

  40. Now my husband wants to buy me a green I'm not a very good Gardner, i may kill all of them...then what???LOL

  41. Well, I think your buckets of roses are just beautiful and the color combinations are amazing.
    I anticipate checking your blog everyday to see if you have blogged. I'm so intriqued with your dreamy.
    thanks for answering my question.

  42. Thank you so much Linda, and thank you for following me!!! I'm inspired by all of you !!!

  43. youmust love your macrame handbag so much. it is highlighted in most of your posts. what a delightful afternoon you must have had by the pool.

  44. So glad to have found your beautiful blog...

    Do you make the gorgeous bed linens?

    Debbie x

  45. I just found your blog and love all you do. I check every day for new posts. Your photgraphs are amazing. Wish we lived closer and could get coffee.
    Thanks for all your time you put into your home and for sharing.

  46. beautiful images.

  47. Your poolside chairs are beautiful and they look so comfortable as well.
