
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving..... I'm back from Vacation... I went to "The Prairie" by Rachel Ashwell.. in Texas

I want to Thank Rachel  Ashwell for a gift that will last a life time....I was grateful to her for offering me a stay at the Prairie....Something that i have been looking forward to  since it opened.. I have been Super Excited for November to come .... It was my best Vacation so far.. some what magical for me... I really loved that we were able to stay at the Meadow Manor... Best for me and my little our family perfect!!  
Since it was November, not so busy had the place to ourselves ... So Charming... I fell in Love with Texas , and Maria and Deb were truly Awesome... Breakfast was Superb!! Thank You !!

Sadi picked this as her room..... We Shared
The Rug....No words..

The bedding so was super soft, cozy ... pure comfort .. Normally on our vacations Sadi and I are the first ones wanting to leave and go home...Not this time...She wanted to stay and move to Texas... So Did I...

Some beautiful new treasures, that i will treasure forever.. Tshirt, Jacket and hat, adorable, love
I also bought New Bedding, My favorite!!!!! some pillows and lots of other little things.. I could Not believe i actually got to shop in a Rachel Ashwell store...YEAH!! i was in heaven.. truly 

My Favorite Place ...Favorite photo...INSPIRATION !! i love love this so much !!!! everything love love.... Thanks so much Rachel Ashwell!!! I'm so thankful for such a special gift.   I will share more photos soon, i'm  so busy cooking and cleaning and pre pairing for Thanksgiving tomorrow.... and so sorry the photos are not so clear i took mostly with my phone because i truly was enjoying my stay ...even though the weather was insanely cold  for a Florida Girl....I will be returning one day, maybe summer time or Spring, but i think Summer.... Who knew Texas got so cold!!!

Feeling a little Vintage Christmas coming....  Happy Thanksgiving everyone....xx


  1. What a wonderful gift Tausha, and you are so deserving! Your pictures are such a treat and I can't wait to see more. Love your home, you never fail to inspire! Have a most blessed Thanksgiving with your loved ones, and can hardly wait for your Christmas pics. xo, Jacqueline

  2. So happy for you Tausha! I am sure you were just in a state of a Shabby Coma while there.
    I am grateful for all your posts and photos while you were there.I hope to visit soon myself.Spring sounds nice!
    I hope you have a beautiful blessed Thanksgiving!
    I am also excited to see all your Christmas decor!
    ~Cheers Sweet Friend

  3. Hi sweetie !!! All photos by RA Prairie is AMAZING-beautiful trip!!!! I looked forward with you from the first moment you wrote me about it!!Everything you bought is beautiful and your Christmas pieces take my breath away-Enjoy Thanksgiving-you and your whole family!!!!
    Big hugs ♥

  4. Thank you for this so nice visit ! Living In France (PARIS) I'll never have the opportunity to go there !!!
    Here in Paris the time went to cold too : icy and windy may be like in Texas !



  5. Ciao Simply;
    I want to tell you , I am so so v happy of your vacation in your dream place, but really Tausha, your home and your creativity are the "equal" as Rachel Ashwell!. Your house is so beautiful,cozy,romantic and Shabby Chic, is full of inspirations for everyone!!!
    Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  6. Hi sweety, i still follo you. Love all your pctures. How nice you had a great vaction..

    whish you al the best

    love Sanne

  7. Beautiful day,
    must have been amazing to see so much beauty in one place.
    I also finally got their first order with Rachel Ashwell, which is here in the Czech Republic or problem, the more I am happy that I have the opportunity.
    Beautiful photos .... Enjoy the day in the health and well being.

  8. WOW! What a lovely vacation and a wonderful gift! Lucky you and how sweet of Rachel. You must have felt like you were in heaven.

  9. Sooooo happy YOU had a FaB Time!*!*! Y*O*U were definitely in your element!!!
    HaPPy -Not Toooo SHaBBy HoLiDays...
    Jeanine Burkhardt

  10. Wow what a dream vay cay, so happy for you, alittle jealous too, the pictures are beautiful as always... Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, can't wait to see what you dream up for Christmas hugs Ellle

  11. Oh Tausha, that's awesome! Rachel Ashwell should feel so honored to be your muse...we all adore you so much and you've introduced us to such a beautiful way of life:)

    Happy Thanksgiving from one Florida girl to another:)

  12. Thanks for sharing with us today and I hope you are having a great holiday. :-)

  13. I LOVED that you took us all with you on your fabulous trip, Tausha! Sharing photos every day you were there was such a treat for me! So much inspiration! I can't even imagine what you were feeling! lol I've got to agree with Eva, though. You have waved your magic shabby chic wand over your sweet home and created a place of sheer and utter shabby chic bliss! JUST as pretty as The Prairie, believe me! ♥ Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    xoxo laurie

  14. I'm so glad you had so much fun--it looks awesome! The rug is beyond amazing..

  15. Looks like you had an awesome time...congratulations.

  16. It had to be absolutely perfect vacation for you! The Prairie si wonderful and magical place. I hope you had a beautiful thanksgiving with your family. xoxo Michaella

  17. What an amazing time it looked like you had at The Prairie. I enjoyed following you on IG for all of the beautiful photos.


  18. I am so close here to a Shabby Chic boutique. You have taken Rachel's vision and turned it up a notch. It's personal and your unique style.I am curious about your trip to the Prairie. Did she gift that to you? (perhaps for all the grief she gave you?)

  19. I LOVE Florida! In our family, it's our home away from home. (Disney World, anyone?)

    I think that when you were at The Prairie, we were moving into our new house. If so, it was c-o-l-d and rainy and very windy for those few days.

    I'm glad I found your blog. Are you sure you're not Rachel Ashwell's decorating twin? Your decorating and pictures are flawless.

