
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hi Everyone..

MY OWN BOOK!!!!!   June 12th one day before my birthday i receive this book in the mail.............Who does this... makes me a book of all the photos i have taken and posted on my blog.... Who?????  Kim Michael ...from Whitewhisper2u    Amazing book of 15 pages filled with photos... here are a few... I was in total shock and cried (happy tears)  Just for her to take time out of her day to do this for me....  
She is AMAZING person with a Big Heart!!! Thank you so much KIM!!! i will treasure it forever!!!
I had this pink pillow for a while now, now 2 a friend sent one for me as a i dyed in Den min blue ..very light... because i love blues.... pink and blues...
New, needed this piece ....extra storage space and the kids took the large wooden box for toys...
soon she will be filled up i am sure of it.... probably with
Me and Sadi!!!!
Fun pics on my Birthday!!!
Thank you so much Amanda !!! she made this beautiful dress and headband for Sadi.... Sadi loves it!! me too...
Have a Great week everyone..........


  1. Hello Sweet Friend! The Book looks great in Photos too.So happy you love it! I LOVE mine for sure.....

    You take beautiful Photos and I love your romantic style, I say Simply Chic.Lol

    Nice new piece and darling photo of you and lil Miss Sadi.Glad you had a fabulous Birthday!
    So did I.....~Cheers to you Kim xox

  2. Thank you for my "Simply Me" fix today, Tausha! I ALWAYS love seeing what treasures you've added to your beautiful home. Those ruffled pillows are just so sweet!

    The photo of you and Sadi is truly one to be cherished forever! So adorable! She is such a cutie-patootie!

    Kim is just such a darling for creating that precious book for you. What an amazing gift!! Mark my's just the beginning! lol!

    xoxo laurie

  3. O my gosh Tausha~

    Wow, what heavenly pictures! Your pictures are so magazine worthy, I can't even tell you... What a beautiful and generous thing Kim Michael made for you. That would have made me cry too... I have to tell you that I ~ LOVE ~ that picture of you and Sadi, The expressions on your faces are precious. Sadi makes that dress look even lovlier and her little headband, so darn cute! I'm so happy that you had a wonderful birthday, because you deserved it!
    Hugs~ Steph

  4. Thank you so so much Kim!!!! I love it !!! Simply Chic.......Love.......

    Thank you so much Laurie...Kim is just a sweetheart....and the photo of Sadi i just adore it... so much ...

  5. OH MY GOSH! A book of photos of your beautiful home... WHOA... that is the coolest treasure EVER! You must have just been blown away... I can't even say how cool that is... insanely cool
    and i can't help but notice how beautiful your dream catchers are... i tried making one, you should see the weaving part in the middle on mine, it looks like a spider on LSD tried to weave a web, not too good...
    love the pillows too.
    Looks like you had a wonderful birthday!


  6. What a wonderful gift that book you will treasure forever and pass along to your daughter one day. I love the little dress you friend made for her, too. xo Diana

  7. Wow, Tausha! The pictures you posted today are just breathtakingly beautiful! You have such an eye for things!

    The book from Kim is unbelievable! How amazing to receive such a gift! I love it, and it was so sweet of her to send to you for your birthday!

    I love the picture of you and Sadi. You look absolutely beautiful, as does darling Sadi.

    The pictures of the roses in the clear glasses on your table are so very pretty. I love everything you do!

    The dress on Sadi and the head band are adorable. What a nice and thoughtful gift.



  8. Hi Tausha :) Beautiful photos!! And what a very special gift you received ~ how cool to have a book with your beautiful photos! Love the picture of you and your sweet daughter :) And those pillows...sigh....LOVE them!!

  9. How sweet is Kim!!! Your photos are definitely book worthy :)
    Love the adorable dress on Sadi, she is such a cutie.

  10. What a sweet gift to give you Tausha. How thoughtful of Kim to give you such a gift from her is beautiful beyond words~both the gift and the giver!
    Tausha I love your hpotos and the one of you and your daughter is gorgeous.
    That dress and headband look so sweet on her~you are so blessed.
    So glad you are shining on here again!
    You inspire so many of us!

    Deborah xoxo

  11. how amazing is that?! it is a beautiful idea, and you know, I'd love a copy of that book I can swoon over your pictures whenever I this possible to get a copy? luv beauty.

  12. Your own book is amazingly gorgeous! I've always thought you should have your own book-I would totally buy it! You are so admired and such an inspiration to so many! Love!!!

  13. First of all, Happy Birthday!

    I just LOVE this set of photos - all of it - everything. I was also in need of a fix.

    That book is just so freaking awesome! If I saw it in a bookstore I'd snatch it up so fast. Agree - an insanely awesome gift; just fabulous.

    I have been coveting those round petticoat pillows for ages; wish I could afford them right now. The one you dyed pale denim, was it white to begin with? I want both of the soooo bad.

    Again, fabulous pictures!!! I noticed the light fixture over the table - did you move it from the bedroom?

    You are a true inspiration to me. Thank you.


  14. Love the photo of you and Sadi, two gorgeous girls! How fun to have your try own book! What a sweet gift. I love to see the beautiful photos of your home, you never disappoint!


  15. I love that book--how sweet that was a great birthday present! I made a blog book last year--and I love it but they printed the pictures so small...didn't like that part. I want to make one like you have of my blog. Heck, I want one of your blog too! LOL! Your photography is so lovely. Look forward to your every post. I really want to try to make a dreamcatcher..but really don't want to offend you in any way by copying. Now that Cindy says hers looks like the spider was on LSD I am a little worried.

    Love the photo of you and your daughter--you look like a model.

    Have a great week!

  16. The pillow was pink to begin with , i first bleached it out just a little, then used Rit dye Denmin blue...very little came out perfect color , pale blue..

  17. Tausha,

    If you ever make a book like the one Kim made for you, I would buy one, too. You should really think about making one of all the pictures you have put on your blog! It would be beautiful and would sell like hot cakes!


  18. How sweet everyone is.I should hold a Giveaway on my blog for one of your sweet books....Could be fun!

    Love your photos Always...

    ~Cheers Kim xox

  19. Very sweet generous gift. It turned out lovely. The photos of Sadi and you are precious.

  20. This is so sweet Tausha. Good things happens to good people :-) Lovely to see how your style is so loved. Love it too! Take care my friend and a big kiss,


  21. Your home is so beautiful ...and what a sweet gift !!! your little from

  22. Hi Tausha!
    It's with such loveliness that you welcome us today. The table is set. Pretty pillows are ready for hugging.
    Perfect smiles from you and Sadie!
    It's no wonder that beautiful and giving hearts gather here.


  23. What an utterly AMAZING gift! So thoughtful and generous. I agree with everyone else - if that book was on sale - I'd DEFINITELY buy it!
    Paula xx
    p.s. your daughter is SO cute!

  24. That would be so cool !!!!Kim... really a lot of fun..

  25. Oh Tausha!!! The book is so awesome!!! As is the sweet dress and headband for Sadi!!! What beautiful friends!!! You are loved Tausha!!! I am so happy for you~~~ So glad you had a wonderful birthday!!! Love ALL of these pics!!! Beautiful!!! Love you!!! Cindi Shooltz

  26. You go girl! I think I suggested you do a book not too long ago. Now an amazing person created one!!! Publisher anyone?

  27. Tausha love all the photo's color of blue is awesome for pillow I think when I have used denim I used too much yours turns out awesome. I am sure the gift of the book that was given to you would sell hundreds of copies........I am just saying it looks like one of the most inspirational decor books I have seen lately and I am sure that quite a few people would be proud to add to their collection of coffee table decor books just an idea to the wonderful lady that put it together..........I'm just is that darn good what a wonderful person to do that and she put it together so well!

  28. Hello Tausha,
    I think you are a good person, is that because people love you and give to you amazing presents as the gorgeous book made with love for Kim!. Some months ago you were so sad...
    So be sure that i lot of your followers, love you and support you!!!. Becouse you inspire us a lot and you have a great heart!!!
    Happy Birthday with delay!
    Baci, Eva

  29. Tausha Girl, I will post a Giveaway on my blog for a fabulous Simply Me Book! You too can post and direct my way if you would so like too~Cheers Kim xox

  30. So cool!!! i will do that ........You are a sweetheart!!!

  31. Your home is so beautiful and different!I always enjoy looking at your photos.

    take care,


  32. o.k I posted a Giveaway and some photos sooo Please go check them out and you can add to your beautiful post that I am hosting a giveaway for you.~Cheers Kim

  33. Yes Yes Yes...Hi Tausha :) I´m again VERY inspired...i love all the colors. Your re-moved room is great! Kim is sweet, I think this is amazing and beaufiful gift from her! Enjoy it!
    Thank´s for your sweet comment on my blog I´m again happy!!!!! I´m looking forward to your surprice...
    Bye Vlaďka

  34. LOVE the book idea!! So happy for you girl! xo

  35. What a neat gift and such a sweet person to make it for you! Looks like you had a happy birthday too - love the pic of you and your daughter, so cute! Enjoy your new book! Hugs, Leena

  36. Just saw all the pictures and the book. Very impressive. What a wonderful gesture. Hope your birthday was filled with happiness!

  37. How darling your book is! I love it!!! It only proves that you really do need to be in a magazine! But, until then, having your own special book works:)

  38. Tausha where did you get the new piece? I was gonna ask my boyfriend to make me something like that, but maybe I can buy???

  39. Dear T.:)))
    Thank you for new photos! It's always so inspiring for me!!!!!
    Book looks great! I think your home is the best theme for a book - I'm sure many girls would love to buy such a book!!!! It would be a hit!!!!!
    I love these pillows so much! They look so romantic! Unfortunatelly they are not avaiable in Poland, maybe one day I'll try to sew one:)))
    Your sweet little Daughter is a real Princess:)))
    Hugs from Poland!
    P.S. After holidays I start to "make" my little Maja's room - I can't wait to do it!!:))) In some way it will be inspired by the beautiful room of your older Daughter - (bohemian style!!!) - some days ago arrived bed from Italy for Maja - please take a look when you have a moment:
    I wonder what you think:))))
    xoxoxo, A.

  40. So happy to see you! where did you get your headboard? is it from JCpenny in pearl?

  41. My headboard is from J C Pennys long time ago...not sure if they have anymore...

    and my friend made me the furniture...

  42. Thank you for sharing your beautiful home with us Tausha! I'm so inspired looking and reading your blog ! Loved your table especially.... where did you get the white dinnerware from , if you don't mind me asking? You have a beautiful family as well ! :)
    ilene anderson

  43. The dinner ware is from Target, it was the Simply Shabby chic line... i do not believe they sell it anymore..check ebay
