
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My New Love..............Summer Bow and Winter May

Summer Bow her name, my new puppy...Early bday gift from my husband
Me and Summer Bow by the pool, she loves to swim
She loves to sleep........
Then there was two........Winter May is her name, its her sister.
Faded blues....Summer time feeling..
Dying fabrics today...blues and aquas..
baby blue dream catcher..
small creamy dream catcher
Summer wardrobe....
the knit sweater and pink tank top are form TJ Maxx...cute clothes there right now.. Swim top from
Beautiful millinery flowers......Great Gift from my good friend Rachel P..Thank you 
Just Love 
This was a beautiful birthday present from Alicja Radej   Has my name on the other cute...thank you so much !!! how sweet of you !!!
Art work in the kids room....Hearts...i thought this saying was just perfect!!!  i just love hearts..
My first heart i made for Gabriel..
Have a Great week everyone!!!


  1. Your puppies are beautiful, dreamcatcher's are GORGEOUS,love your summer wear, especially that purse! I hope you have the BEST birthday ever!!!! Seems like your off to a great start already though!
    Hugs to you!

  2. I love summer and winter!!! All of these pics are to die for I just love your styling, pillows, roses, paintings, I could go on! Looks like you're having a great summer! xo

  3. Your puppies are so precious. It's nice that you have two, they are great company for one another. I always enjoy your gorgeous pics and love those dream catchers.

  4. Oooo! They are both just precious. What kind of pooches are they? Love your decor ... so lush & beautiful.
    Have a lovely eve ~
    TTFN ~

  5. Only thing better than a puppy for your birthday are two puppies for your birthday!

  6. The puppies are so cute it is great that they will be raised together love all your photos!! Love the blues and the new pillow!!

  7. how lovely to see your pictures again! Aqua LOL, I just dyed some more things aqua today too...I made a crochet beach wrap with linen ties, and a pair of white linen pants now going out for a yellow dye to add a bit to the aqua for a sea green!! can't wait...I love your dreamcatchers...the creamy one and light blue OY!!! gorgeousness....and the day...thanks for sharing your beauty mama!

  8. I forgot to mention the baby puppies...I adore them, and their names are so sweet! such love they will give you.

  9. ADORABLE puppies Tausha - lucky you! And I'm loving all your summertime blue & floral linens...dreamy. Have a wonderful birthday Friday!

  10. Hi Tausha,

    Your two new puppies are adorable! Do you now have three doggies and a kitty? That's so sweet.

    Love your new clothes from TJMaxx. I work there! I also love your new swimsuit top from Target. It's one of my favorite stores.

    Your birthday present "Keep Calm & Carry On" is so pretty. I want one! How nice to receive that as a gift!


    Ann. :)

  11. Gorgeous, gorgeous photos and "feelings"..LOVE the sweet pups! xo Diana

  12. What a thoughtful and special birthday present, Tausha! Your hubby's a keeper for sure. :) Those pups are just so adorable. How did you come up with those sweet names?

    Oh how I loved seeing more pics of your pretty living room and bedroom, too! :) Always makes my day!

    xoxo laurie

  13. LOVE it all! And you are so welcome!! xoxo

  14. Thank you everyone, Summer was my first though because its July...and sadi said Bow, Summer Bow.......

    Winter, she mostly white, and destinee thought of May...LOL Winter May...

    Wayne was not happy...LOL

  15. Love it all.. I so admire all the details that you display in your home.. Love the colors, fabrics, flowers.. Love did I say that already.. Thanks for sharing.

  16. gorgeous post, Tausha! Love your doggies and their names.... Have a nice day, Syl

  17. Comment ne pas craquer à la vue de ces adorables chiots ?!... Ils vont grandir heureux avec vous et seront les premiers spectateurs de vos merveilleuses décorations.

    Gros bisous.

  18. Oh he is so Sweet your New puppy .And you pictures are sp Great lovly wishes from Germany Nina

  19. Lovely Tausha,
    AMAZING post!!! I love all pictures....again:)) I have to laught! Your puppies are beautiful, lovely gift from your must be happy!I adore your new blue pillow with roses (I´m dreaming about this fabric).I must buy your new dreamcatcher I´m fascinated!!!!!
    Rachel P. is amazing she has great style!
    Have a nice day Vlaďka

  20. Your photos are beautiful as always. Love when I get glimpses of your beautiful all your dyed pieces too. How sweet of your husband to get you puppies:) I usually pride myself on recognizing most all dog breeds--even in mixed breeds--but I am at a loss with these two. Love their names!

  21. Dear T.
    I'm so happy you like "Keep Calm..." charm I created for you:))))
    Everything is so beautiful at your home (as always:))))
    You are so talented! You are The Inspiration:)

    P.S. Little dogs are sooooooo sweet!!

  22. adorable puppies, gorgeous pictures, what a wonderful husband-he gives you such fabulous gifts!!!

  23. Beautiful, beautiful blog post! Your photos are all so inspiring, and sooo your own unique and individual style! Precious puppies, and man, do i want that TJ Maxx tank top... omg it's wonderful!


  24. Tausha, Who doesn't love a Sweet lil Puppy!Precious....I think the names are very unique and I am sure Wayne which I haven't heard that name since my step dad and have always liked it will come up with his own version.
    I am loving your fabrics and want to know what colors and fabric you used Please! I also want to know where you find your vintage looking flowers we my daughter and I have looked allover and can't find any cool ones.You can email me if you would rather.
    Thanks for your continued inspiration and sharing with all of us.Your home is inviting and beautiful!Wish we were closer then I could hire your design services! Though I think you would have to toss lots of my junk first.Lol I also could hire a Limo which my Girls Love and I always get them one when they all have turned 13.My youngest turns 13 in Sep.
    ~Blessings & Cheers Kim

  25. I have been in your site the last couple of days,and I have to say its lovely... its the summerholidays in holland but its has been raining for days,being on your site brings a bite of light and great ideas. Thank you,Jolanda from Eindhoven holland

  26. Hope you had a wonderful happy Birthday Tausha...your puppies are so cute and their names are very creative. Love the pics of your couch in the sun, your hat and bags, and the bedlinen...but of course they're all lovely.

  27. ADORABLE puppies!! What a wonderful birthday present(s)! Enjoy those two cuties!

  28. Darlin Tausha,I want to come to your house and after I have died with envy of all your beautiful treasures in your to die for home.I want to steal a) those sweet little puppies and b)that beautiful faded blue floral cushion.Did you dye that too?I've never tought of dying floral fabric only ever plain.Could you tell me how you go about it please?
    By the way I think your blog has got even better now you are in your stride.Sending you love from rain soaked England.
    Anne x

  29. So happy you're back love, I missed you! Love your new puppies, PRECIOUS doesn't even begin to describe them. Happy belated birthday. I hope it was as special as you are.

  30. Your home is absolutely beautiful!!! I enjoy visiting often! Could please tell me is your bag the weekend bag or the duffel bag. Thank you!!


  31. Hi Tausha,

    wonderful dog !!! so lovely!!! I have a new love too, it's a beautiful 3 months dachshund ..<3

    my love...

    ciao Silvia da Roma

  32. Hi Tausha!! They're wonderful, so lovely!!!

    I have a new love too.. a little, beautiful dachshund ... <3

    ciao Silvia from Roma

  33. Hi, Tausha
    Long time no talk. I'm soo glad to see your blog again! I sent a long post to your friend Rachelle when we all found out u were planning on stoping. My god my husband walked in the room and he thought something really bad happen because I was crying and stuff. Lol. Thank god your back!!! Love your puppies and the bunny. Your starting to get close to how crazy it is at my house lol, however you need to add a few more kids to the mix. Lol.... But my house just doesn't seem to look like yours. :( I'v been living in my house with my now husband and I finally got him to paint my bedroom two weeks ago. Up until then it was like a red orange and a yellowish rag roll on top. Yuck! I couldn't stand it. It was my step son's room till we rearrange the living quarters when I was in my last trimester. We were upstairs and I couldn't handle the stairs anymore. Anyways Im just rambling on and on here. I had noticed that people were asking about the millinery flowers and I was thinking the same but kinda answered my own ? Flea markets. However I also noticed people asking you about your dying process and I was thinking the same sooo. Hears what I was thinking maybe you could do for us. Make a video on dying fabrics for Dummies. Lol... ;) and then post it some how on your blog or on YouTube with a link from your blog, and have it be a step by step process. I do know that some use their washing machine but I'm freaked it'll mess up my other stuff when I do a load of laundry. Then u got the bucket thing and that's about as far as I know what to do. Please think this over I truly believe that I and your other fans would be very happy if you did this!!!!!
