
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cloudy, rainy Tuesday...and no sun in site until next week...hopefuly

This weather is nice for like a day or two, but for more than a week cannot handle, i need sun here in Florida... Here are some photos....been working on a few projects 
i have been working on a little project , working with rose petals....
Cute basket, its really large perfect for storage, love baskets.. of course my flowers for the week
Beautiful bowl from Micheal's $12 on sale, love the colors and the gold
Flowers or candles...
Spend the rest of the day here.... Lazy, Lazy day...enjoy your week everyone.... Thank you so much for all your lovely comments too!!!!


  1. im so glad that you back! love your beautyfull home, blog and the romantic pictures you share with us! thank you soooo much and keep on going. cant wait to see more. best wishes and sunshine. di ;0)

  2. Your photos are always quite dreamy as usual!!! LOVE all of it, Tausha!!!


  3. Hey T love the pics and the bowl is great!! now i have to go to Micheal's!!! Lol :)

  4. Lovely Tusha,
    I love your new bowl...the imperfect gold is amazing! It looks like a fairy tale from the Arabian Nights:)
    Yor flowers aretoo perfect! Basket is great for storage magazines, pillows and some datails...perfect for every home.

    Have a more sun and happy week

  5. Hi Tausha,
    Here in Warsaw also rainy, cloudy... In days like these I'm always 300% happy to have lovely home to spend these hours here:))
    hugs, hugs, hugs,

  6. Just think how nice and green everything will be after the rain:) I love your bowl! I bought a little gold Italian Florentine table that I just put up on my blog, it made me think of you and your unique style when I bought it. You're truly one of a kind Tausha:) Please keep inspiring us!

  7. Darling friend, it's always so lovely pass to visit you! I'm happy you are here!
    Here the sun's heating... and I have to work a lot in the new house...

  8. Love your beautiful new bowl from Michael's - what a bargain! Your flowers are so pretty, as usual, too!

    I really would love to spend lazy days on your white couch with all those sumptuous pillows! I don't blame you! It looks like a nice cozy place to read, nap, or have a nice cup of tea & relax, curled up with all those pillows, reading magazines and decorating books. I love rainy, stormy days, but you're right, it does make you want to see the sun come out after a while.

    ...Ann. :)

  9. I am so glad you are back your posts

  10. I'm glad to see that you are back again with all your lovely photos and designs.


  11. Your couch looks so inviting--looks like the perfect place to curl up. Your flowers every week look so lovely. Do you grow any yourself? Not sure how they do in Florida. Roses do great here in Oregon. Your posts are such a breath of fresh air--so pretty. Thanks for continuing your blog!

  12. Isn't it sometimes a nice break to have an excuse to stay indoors and feather our nest? I LOVE your nest Tausha!

  13. Gorgeous photos as usual, Tausha! :) So magazine worthy! I think Michael's is going to be overrun with bloggers each grabbing one of those beautiful bowls. lol! Feel free to send some of your rain up here to MI. It's so dry here! And we're definitely having a couple Florida-type summer days coming up...97 degrees and humid! :) Sending you a hug, Tausha!

    xoxo laurie

  14. Girl, you have such an eye for pretty... great combination of shabby and bohemian... amazing


  15. I'm so glad your're back! I missed seeing your gorgeous pics.

  16. Des photos magnifiques... Cette année la météo est bien capricieuse.
    Jolie publication.

    Gros bisous.

  17. So pretty- I have been away for several days (still traveling actually) and I am SOOOO happy to see your posts here, Sweetie. It makes my heart smile. You bring so much beauty to the blogging world..and I am so happy that you are continuing to do just that- xo Diana

  18. I sooo Love Rose Petals such a shame to through them away.What an amazing bowl, you have such an eye.I was just there and didn't see it myself.We have nasty rain too kept me from going to get a new to me leather sofa set.Grrrr! ~Cheers Kim xox

  19. So very happy you are posting inspire me more than I can say.

    Have a wonderful day!!

  20. As always: gorgeous..... the other day people asked me "when is your book coming out", lol, now I'm asking you the same... WHEN?

    Love, Syl

  21. Getting ready to build a boat here at my much rain. Hey there's a project for you. Haha.Your pictures are beautiful. Send some more cheer and brightness our way.The days have been pretty gloomy. You are gifted at bringing on the sunshine!

  22. To Donna,

    My bedskirt i made out of a ruffled shower curtain... it had8 large ruffles, then , just layered two up and sewed it to my dust old dust ruffle...

  23. Beautiful, as always! I, too, spent the past couple of days curled up in my couch with pillows (I'm in central FL, so we shared the weather!) Thanks for the motivation through inspiration! x

  24. I'm so glad you are back. I was so sad for those long weeks! Love the picture of your sofa with all the white pillows. White is still my favorite and I love the soft, cloud-like look and feel of all of it.

    Jill Palumbo

  25. So glad that you're back to blogging. Good for you! Love your style. Your home is so pretty and feminine. Your kids are precious. Thanks for sharing!

  26. hi tausha..what kind of fabric is your bedskirt?..thank you for your time and inspiration..

  27. Adore your beautiful bowl with the hints of aqua and pretty roses! I did paperwork ALL day for my guy and it's so calming to see your lovely photos before I fall asleep instead of numbers! THANK YOU!!! ;)

  28. WhSuch beautiful the bowl and that great basket!
    Hoping you have sunshine soon!

  29. Yippee!!! So happy you're back! Your creations are as beautiful as ever Tausha!

  30. My Bedskirt fabric, i really not sure, but thinker cotton, i think...

  31. Everything is just gorgeous and your excellent taste and special touch can be seen and felt!!!!

  32. So glad your back! Missed my daily inspiration:)

  33. wow your house is so beautiful!!!!!
    everything is so lovely :)
    happy weekend!

  34. Thanks for sharing where you purchased that fab bowl, Tausha. Love, love, love MICHAELS, not to mention that great 40% off coupon they offer!

  35. Hello!

    Just want to thank you for all beautiful inspiration you give!
    Just love your blog!

    Hugs from a rainy Sweden!

  36. Tausha,
    I am so happy to see you are back, your pictures are beautiful and you are such an inspiration.
    Thank you so much for sharing
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  37. Hi tausha

    How did you hand your union jack on your wall? Did you just put nails up?
    Hope you have a fabulous July 4th. In Canada we just celebrated our Canada Day yesterday.


  38. I hung the union jack ....with push
