
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Here are more photos from the other direction looking toward my back yard

My house is very much lived in ,i love books ,magazines,candles,and a lot of pillows,soft cozy ones. Normally the Sadi will take all my pillows from allover and she makes nest, she is my little bird.


  1. Just love your stylish, lived in, very cozy surroundings you've made! The pillows look very inviting, and the rose arrangements add a beautiful touch. It is always a pleasure to visit your blog.

  2. I just love how you have made this so cottage and fluffy yet have kept the masculine couch.
    I too love magazines and books all over for inspiration.
    My little one also grabs every pillow and does the nest thing too!
    You photos are just gorgeous and love the inspiration you give

  3. Hi Tausha,
    How cute, Sadi being your little bird. Every one loves pillows!

    What is the piece on the right side (across from your slip covered chair)? It looks cozy and I'd love to try something like it in my little studio.

    Love the table covered with magazines, books and flowers... so pretty.

    After talking to you yesterday, I bet I know where you're going this weekend (starts w/a "P" ?) Be sure to take many photos if possible!?

    Okay, let me know about that piece on the right side when you get a chance.

  4. I love everything about your lived in home. It is so cozy comfy. I also like how you arrange roses so whimsically. Our roses are not blooming yet. I can't wait to fill mason jars and fleur de lys glasses with them. I put you as a link to visit on my blog post today. ox

  5. Im in love with all your ruffles. My 3 little girls and I can't get enough ruffles and pink in this house! Thanks for sharing your photos.....beautiful! ~ M

  6. oh-so-yummy looking! sooo very rachel ashwell...shabby chic at its best! j'adore! that chandelier is divine and all those ruffled pillows...they make me swoon! TFS! :)

  7. These just take my breath away...everything about this room is beautiful! I would so much love to move my whole house to this look...casual, pretty, soft and very lived in.
    Can I talk you into coming here and doing it for me?! :)
    At least keep giving lots of pictures and inspiration!
    Honestly ... your home is divine!
    Sarah xo

  8. Your home is so beautiful and your photography is amazing. I love your beautiful and relaxed style. Its good to see I'm not alone in collecting home decor books and magazines LOL. Mine however do not look as pretty.

  9. ooooo, sooooo beautiful!!! I love those pink ruffled pillows!! are they from target?

  10. Simply fabulous! But... How much is beautiful your home?...

  11. Your home is just beautiful. I love your cozy, lived in look. Where do you get such gorgeous flowers, do you grow them yourself? I think flowers really make a home and I just love all of yours. Leahxx

  12. Such a pretty space, and you really are a good photographer and stylist. You could launch a career doing this...loved everything!

  13. I think you should have called your blog 'simply gorgeous'!!!!! love all your pics.. they should all be in a magazine and I have a feeling they will one day! take care, Maryann

  14. What a lovely, lived in home. Everything is so calm and airy wonderful! I notice that you do not seem to have a lot of knicknacks strewn about...something that I have trouble with! It definitely looks better without so much STUFF! Kudo's to you! ~Stacy~

  15. Wow! That's beautiful! Finding your blog was abusolutely everything I need. It ahs given me so much inspiration to finally transform my home into a shabby, white and all lovely and pretty things. Thank you very much for being a wonderful inspiration! Blessings, Vanessa

  16. Your home is stunning, the little attention to detail everywhere is inspiring. I love the flowers and the " messy" look - although not messy so much as lived in. I guess this is what is meant by shabby. I have never liked the expression shabby as it doesn't make you think on nice things. I wouldn't describe your home as such but with chic on the end it sounds so much better.
    Enjoy your weekend. I am off to find flowers. x

  17. OMGoodness in the world did I miss the post about "Wayne"??? I believe it's one of my favorite's...I Love~luv~Love the clothesline! I'm spying Wayne in this post as well.
    Your room looks so wonderfully cozy...I love all the books and the thought of curling up on the sofa to read! Have a lovely weekend!

  18. It's like a fresh, ocean breeze!

  19. I love your home tour and the one with your little girl is adorable. What a very cozy room!


  20. Oh my goodness your home is gorgeous!! I agree this room looks so cozy! I am new to your blog and am so glad that I found it!

  21. How did you get that husband of yours to agree to all that white fluffy goodness?

  22. Wow this looks absolutly beautiful!! Love the pink cushions..and those flowers.. GORGEOUS as always.


  23. you are really something special!!!

  24. I only can say: you have a GREAT STYLE!
    I left you a mail :)
    have a nice day

  25. everything looks so cushy and comfy. I just love the all white. Let us know where you get your pillows please.
    Linda at

  26. Some day there will be a book on my coffee table with your name on it!! These photo's are gorgeous!

  27. Oh I love all your magical shabby touches...I love what you wrote about your little one..your your little bird. Your writting is just like your home simply sweet. xoxoo Your neighbor Laura

  28. Une bien belle ambiance.



  29. All I can say is that you are *living the dream*...absolutly gorgeous!

  30. I am in awe and admiration of your fearless femininity!!

  31. What a lovely home! Its so bright and airy and so, so pretty!

  32. Such a cozy warm inviting room!....Thanks for sharing these pictures of your home!

  33. i was referred to your blog by maria cecilia of casa dulce hogar. boy was she right in sending me over her. i love that your home looks lived in, perfect houses that look like magazine props just don't draw me in. there is a saying "don't sust the soul out of your home" and it's soooo true. look forward to visiting often. your little girl in the tuttu bathing suit is exquisite as is your cat.

  34. So comfy & inviting. I would love to spend a weekend at this bed & breakfast.... You do have weekend guests, right???

  35. Wow! your furniture is wonderful .. and your home clothes I love
    I follow you ... I attached to my blog
    Greetings from Barcelona, ​​Spain
