
Monday, March 21, 2011

this is how fabric's inspire me with my decorating...wish i knew how to sew...

new spring tote from Zara....the pink scarf is from Target
I covered the two white pillows with scarfs, i loved the fabric..they are from Zara also kids dept.
me and my baby girl on sunday, my brother had a very simple beach wedding, my favorite!!


  1. You have such a talent for photography! I love your compositions. But related to fabrics, what an outstanding idea to transform scarves into pillows. Very soft tiny sweet prints look right at home. You and your daughter look so cute at the beach!

  2. Scarves on pillows, what a wonderful idea!

  3. Your photography is amazing! I could stare at your photos for hours, but alas I have other things to do. Shucks :)

  4. God! Those photos are just luscious! You should be doing photo shoots for a magazine and making big bucks for doing it!


  5. Thank you everyone..I do not know really anything about photography. My husband said maybe that is what i should But i love to decorate.. I do love taking photos. Maybe i should go to school for

  6. I have such a talent with photography. Your photos are just gorgeous. You obviously have a passion for it! Beach weddings are so beautiful and romantic. My niece is getting married on the beach this summer. What a lovely one of you and your daughter! She's beautiful.

  7. Hi Sweetie! I've been away from blogland for a week seems like forever. Your photo's are pretty as ever! I specially luv the beach ones with your daughter! Weddings are SO romantic outdoors!
    xox's Ginger
    p.s. I bet you have fresh roses at all times in your house huh? Your lush photo's are making me want to mix a few with my prairie daisies!

  8. I like your taste: so simple and so expressive!
    I love your images all!
    Have a good day

  9. I love that scarf from target. Looks like something from a high end shop. I can sew, but really don't like too. I have gotten really good with the heming tape. Quick and easy. I have made several pillows with it. ~~Sherry~~

  10. Beautiful photos. i wish I could sew too !! Enjoyed the post thanks for taking the time to share...Chickie

  11. The second picture makes me dream... and you and your baby are so beautiful...

  12. I always enjoy my visits here.You have great style! I need you to come to my house too & style for me.I am off to Target to get myself that scarf, love it! Love the pillows as well~Cheers Kim

  13. So pretty, Tausha, I don't know what Zara is, must be the last person on Earth. I love that scarf from Target, it's so pretty. I have a few scarves/wrap arounds that I've found at TJ Maxx and Burlington Coat Factory that I love to throw over the foot of my bed or over the windows too.

    The photo of you and your daughter is perfect there on the beach. How nice for your brother to have a beach wedding, bet it was beautiful.

    Have a fab week!

  14. I don't sew either... :( But work with what I have :)

  15. I saw that scarf at Target...I almost bought the grey one. They have alot of pretty things there for spring. Love the pic of you and your baby girl. So so sweet. ox

  16. You have a very sweet blog. Love your style!


  17. I just love your gorgeous blog! How funny to see the same scarf I got at Target so beautifully displayed by you. I posted about mine here:

    Looking forward to more of your scrumptious blog pics!
    - Susan

  18. Your photos look beautiful!


  19. Hi Tausha, I have to say that the photo of you and your daughter on the beach is absolutely beautiful!
    The day looked like it was just perfect for a wedding...was your daughter in it??
    Now...those pillows are such a great idea...I lovelovelove scarfs
    and buy them all the time. Maybe I should be on my way to target!!
    Have a lovely week and thank you for visiting!

  20. You are surrounded by beauty (including your little angel) ;) I'm running to Target for that scarf! ;)


  21. Your styling is lovely -- I'm sure the wedding was perfect. I wasn't able to view as it kept redirecting but it sounded wonderful.

  22. Yes you should go to school and take photography. Why can't you decorate and do photography too! You are so very talented...I am soooo jealous:o)

  23. Love the photos - you have natural talent and should put it to use :-)

    Leeann x

  24. I just have to tell you that I love your blog! I just discovered it and I'm already obsessed. Your style is my favorite...and you take amazing photos!

    Now I'm off to go read old posts ;)

  25. hey there - I would love to say your blog is beautiful. I found the scarf picture on a facebook page called "pretty amazing" with no credit given I have shared the photo on my facebook with full credit given to you. thought you might like to know.

    here is where I found the image

    here is my facebook --

    I traced the picture to here using google search
